Our Grand Medieval Dress Cloak Pin Pennanular Renaissance Brooch is practical, functional and beautiful. These forged steel pins brooches are strong and made to be used. This pin can either be held fast between the two wavy swirls, or it can be twisted, so the pin sits on the loop: held in position by the pull of the fabric through which it passes. Brooches initially developed from the Roman clasp or fibula. In the severe climate of northern Europe, the brooch became the typical ornament of the era, because it normally functioned as a fastening for a heavy tunic or cloak. The Grand Medieval Dress Cloak Pin Pennanular Renaissance Brooch was elegantly made with decorative twists and spirals to add a dramatic look to this piece. This piece is perfect for re-enactments, costumes, or Ren Fens.
Forged SteelDiameters: 4 x 3.5 inch
Thickness: 1 cm
Material: Forged Steel