Immerse yourself in the world of Demon Slayer with our exceptional Tengen Anime Sword Set. Modeled after the iconic blades wielded by the Hashira Tengen, this dual sword set is a testament to craftsmanship and attention to detail. The cleaver-shaped blades feature a distinctive semi-circular cutout, accentuated by a mesmerizing amber wave pattern and a sharp white edge. Each blade proudly carries the title "Destroyer of Demons" engraved in kanji. The metal guard, a vivid yellow with a dynamic green outline and red line pattern, adds a striking contrast to the blackened blades. The handles boast a luxurious touch with green rayskin and are expertly wrapped in vibrant red cotton, topped with a sleek metal end cap. What sets these swords apart is their connection a long chain reminiscent of the anime, allowing you to wield them in tandem, just like Tengen himself. The entire set is housed in a scabbard with a back strap, ensuring both functionality and a visually stunning display.
Cleaver-Shaped Blades: Unique semi-circular cutout design for a distinctive and powerful appearance.Amber Wave Pattern: Blackened blades adorned with an eye-catching amber wave pattern and a sharp white edge.
Engraved Kanji: Each blade proudly carries the title "Destroyer of Demons" in intricately engraved kanji.
Vibrant Metal Guard: Yellow with a green outline and red line pattern for a visually striking contrast.
Chain Link Connection: Identical swords connected by a long chain, allowing for dynamic and versatile wielding.