Immerse yourself in the world of One Piece with the Nidai Kitetsu Katana, a stunning blade that draws inspiration from the iconic anime series. This katana features a sleek black design with a jagged silver edge pattern, capturing the essence of the anime's unique style. The handle is expertly wrapped in a combination of purple and white, interrupted by a striking metal band and finished with a metal end cap. With a length of 41 inches, this katana is not just a collectible but a piece of art that pays homage to the fantastic universe of One Piece.
Anime Authenticity: Replicating the Nidai Kitetsu katana from the world of One Piece, this sword brings the anime's spirit to life.Intricate Design: The blacked-out blade with a jagged silver edge pattern showcases meticulous craftsmanship.
Handle Detailing: The handle features a unique combination of purple and white wrapping, accented by a distinctive metal band and end cap.
Length and Presence: At 41 inches, this katana is not just a collectible but a statement piece for any anime enthusiast.
Scabbard Elegance: The scabbard, adorned with a purple and white banded pattern and metal fittings, complements the overall aesthetic of the sword.